by old_Ophelia
Jun 10, 2010


About this Style

I have a harder time with color scheme HAs than concept HAs, at least in terms of making them actually memorable. But at least this turned out cute?

Not so sure about the color balance and hair choice. As always, critiques are super-welcome.

Tags: aqua, archduchess blush, blue, chic, citrus charms lime stockings, colonial ring, cute, dark teal waist ribbon, ethereal nymph armtie, funky blue corset, green, June 2010, light blue torn stockings, no GA, odd inspiration, pink, pink ankle wraps, pixie powder, rainyday verdure pearls, salon, seafoam button up leggings, sheers, simple glass slippers, sweet lolita, sweet lolita cherry lipgloss, sweet lolita necktie, teal, transparent emerald halter, waved