Paint the Dancefloor
by AliceSparkles
Mar 30, 2010


About this Style
Her mask...wasn't the greatest, her stockings were torn, and to top it off...she got paint all over her only pair of slippers. She could tell this dance was going to be just great.

Tags: Baby Striped Ribbon, Black Flirty Miniskirt, Black Torn Stockings, Blonde Shortcut, Brown Cropped Vest, Brown Trio of Belts, Fairy Golden Ring, Fairy Shimmering Powder, Flashback Material Girl Bracelets, Misery Lotus Skankpop IHML, Pink Radio Headphones, Pink Striped Underwear, Pink Torn Stockings, Polar Bear Slippers, Purple Beak Mask, Purple Painters Brush, Rose Satin Corsage Sash