1) How do I get to my forum profile page from the Style-File Forums?I was able to find it by first looking at my previous posts, and then clicking on my user name from there. Is there a more direct way?
2 How does one add their current Subeta Human Avatar to their forum profile page?On Style-File.org3) I bought a two months upgrade a day or two ago.My account immediately updated for some things, but I haven't yet worked out how to get the following:
- Custom Wearable Shop discount
- Premium medal to be displayed underneath your "active" avatar
4) There are options under one of Luscious' avatar on Style-File I'm not sure I should be seeing5) Is there a page that lists previous contests (and their respective tags)?I tried looking on the
current contests page but didn't notice any link.
6) Is there a list of all medals, past & present, with their titles and what each is awarded for?I've tried figuring it out some by myself, but for others I really have no clue at all.
crown: Fab 5 medal (post-Beta)
gold: Fab 5 medal (Beta)
silver: Monthly Top 5 medal
bronze: Weekly Top 5 medal
File02: 300 Adores
File08: 250 Adores
File09: 200 Adores
File10: 150 Adores
File11: 100 Adores
File07: 75 Adores
File12: 50 Adores
File13: 25 Adores
File03: Hot Topic
File05: Blazing!
* Also thought I would just mention that there is a broken link on the
Staff Page. Relic's Subeta profile page is currently linked as:
http://http://subeta.net/users/relic instead of
http://www.subeta.net/users/relic Phew! Sorry about all that; so much to read.