November 9, 2009 at 3:40 am

this will always be one of my fav avatars by you
there is so much skin showing and it's SO effective because it shows that gorgeous olive skin which makes these amazing colours OPOPOPOPOPOPOPOPOPOOPOPO
i remember on whadyl when everyone was posting this batslut like crazyyy
someone said
"these colours are insane"
and that is the perfect description for them
they are fucking insane I am so jealous of how you worked those mardi gras shorts and you WERE SO CLEVER layering them over the stripey leggings because they REALLLY POP now like *_* KA CHING BRIGHT PURPLE HERE I AM OBNOXIOUS? YEAH IM AN OBNOXIOUS PURPLE WHATCHU GON DO?? RIP ME OPEN AND DO SUM SXCTYM? YEAH OK IM A BATSLUT

i lovelove the arm layering and the neck layering is so gorge i love the way there isn't much going on there but it LOOKS LIKE THERE IS
and ughh you made those disproportionate pumps look gorge with those ugly shoes beneath them
you like
used ugly shoes but you made them tres chic fabulouso like it WORKS HERE
this avatar is amazing

i promise you one day when i get better with my art i will draw a way better picture than that ugly one I gave you. <3

November 9, 2009 at 3:45 am

You are so fucking cute <3
your sweet, thoughtful little ass rushed over here to leave me some of your amazing comment novels that are so fun to read because you're so spunky and enthusiastic and full of love. Thank youXOXOXOXOXXX

November 26, 2009 at 3:40 pm

NAW why did i only see this comment now that i'm revisiting you after your adore-tastic visit on my sf? <3
IT'S NW BB YOU TTLY DESERVE IT you are one of my favourite avatar making robots (lol look i made a pun teehee)
and aw ty tytytyt

November 2, 2009 at 10:11 pm

I love the colors you used so much! The whole HA flows so well, and the hair combo is just absolutely gorgeoussss.