April 17, 2014 at 12:03 pm

I really like this, but (I hope it's ok to say this because you asked for critique) watch out for these things next time :
The frock is really cute, though because the top is sheer, you should really put a simple shirt under it or your bewbies are showing (like now). Check out the different tags featuring the various frocks or the Ballerina Mafia tag to see what looks good.
And, biggest pet peeve of mine, always check your eyebrows! Right now they are over your hair x.X

Other than that, I really like your style and hope to see more from you C=

April 18, 2014 at 7:19 am

Thank you so much for the comment! Gah I can't believe that about the eyebrows D8 my computer mustn't have great brightness as I didn't spot that. Thank you. :)