April 22, 2012 at 10:31 am

In general, I like where you were going with this! Just a few things I would change, really. First off, I'd lose the hairflower. It doesn't really flow with the "bring on the zombie apocalypse" feel you've got going everywhere else. Both your salon hair and your wig should be over the cropped vest, and the salon style should match the wig better. They don't really mingle well the way they are now. And, lastly, I would say that the shoes you picked, despite nearly matching the lettering on the shirt, seem to detract from the tough girl you're presenting here. Since the look is more realistic, it would have been ok to go with black combat boots.

April 22, 2012 at 3:26 pm

First of all, thanks for you critique ^^ The unmatching hair and wig was something I noticed from the very first moment I saw the image in my phone. My PC monitor tends to lie about the true color of things... ^^U I've tried to fix it now that I know it's wrong, I hope I have succeeded.
I also noticed that the hair is under the clothes, and I was like... "WTF, am I blind?!" XD
Also, I didn't think of it before, but now that you mentioned it I believe combat boots would be quite a good match.
Definately, lots of thanks! I'll try to improve the look having your advice in mind ^^ <3

April 22, 2012 at 3:36 pm

Oh, you're welcome! <3 Every little bit helps, in my opinion. ;)