May 29, 2010 at 5:51 pm

Thank you for the compliments, guys! And than you for the concrit as well. I've created a v2 and thanks to you all, it looks better :)
May 29, 2010 at 2:19 pm

Third comment here about how you're doing better :D

I seriously did a double take here. I barely even recognized this!

Ok, I see that you want critiques. I think you tried to match the makeup to the shoes (the makeup looks good, by the way) but the shoes are really dominating this look. In addition to what Ophelia said, you could change the shoes altogether and play with the arm layering. The torso looks nice though.
May 29, 2010 at 2:16 pm

I agree with Ophelia you are definitely making great strides when it comes to improvement. idk maybe for the feet you could try the rainy day light shoes those might make it look less blue dominant.
May 29, 2010 at 1:41 pm

You're definitely getting so much better!

The one issue I have with this is that I feel that the deep indigo blue (the dark blue) isn't quite well enough represented, considering how much it dominates the feet area. I don't have arvee open so I'm not sure what your options are, but I'd look into seeing if you could fit it in under the cream mini or as a bracelet on the arms.
If all else fails you could just add the colonial hair pin or w/e it's called.

Very cute!