December 20, 2009 at 6:39 pm

OK OK SO I'm in a lot of graphic design classes. And I fucking cringe whenever someone picks that yellowishbrown color for their text or whatever. Usually it's a guy. and I'm like YOU REALIZE THAT IS THE EXACT COLOR OF BABY DIARRHEA RIGHT? And idk I've actually said that before and occasionally throw in an aggressive CHANGE IT BASTARD! I guess it's like.. they are guys and probably haven't had to change diapers before so they don't recognize that color but anyway THE POINT OF THE STORY IS

I think you totally worked that disgusting personally hated color WONDERFULLY. I mean, it doesnt even cross me out... much. haha only when I think about it but this might be the first time I saw the color and didn't immediately think of diapers and whatnot. SO VERY WELL DONE.

I love the simplicity with the realism. It's wonderfully done. Is that the essence of manliness? I don't recall ever seeing it on a darker base before but it looks wonderful.


December 20, 2009 at 6:46 pm

LMAO. Thank you for the adore and that amazingly well written spazztastic comment. <333

I normally hate that color too. Just in the Pookerchief I love it. Serious, fave item. But the facial hair is actually the Essence of Manliness and the Essence of Pete layered on top of each other.

December 20, 2009 at 7:09 pm

well that facial layering WERKS. WERKIT.

November 21, 2009 at 10:32 pm

okay so you took poop and pee colors and put them together and made them not look shitty. AT ALL. +10 points for you doll. (:
November 19, 2009 at 12:32 am

So I get the title now... definitely didn't the first time I saw this. >.<