April 15, 2017 at 8:49 am

This is crazy cool. What is that hair?

April 16, 2017 at 2:37 am

Thank you! It's the Rotten Drool Pomade layered over the Delish Straightforward hair, which I colored in the salon. (The salon hair is all the way behind the HA base)

April 10, 2017 at 10:39 am

This is freaking amazing. Oh my gosh the time it must have took to match all the hair and add those little details. And those eyes. They look so perfect on this. Ugh. >.<

April 10, 2017 at 1:53 pm

Thank you! The hair wasn't too bad tbh, I cheated and used a color picker to get the hex codes... it's not always perfect, but it definitely helps!!! (All the little details did take a long time though lol)

April 11, 2017 at 7:24 pm

Yes, but the way you placed it is very balanced and aesthetically please, so you did some work!

And, yeah... I use the eye dropper on Chrome all the time for my hurrss. I used to match by eyeballing it a loong time ago. But I am lazy now. I like to match exactly. It's an obsession. Lol