March 6, 2016 at 5:04 am

This HA is pretty nice!
The only things I'd change are take out the black (it doesn't really go with this soft, fantasy kinda look), , put on a ring (beneath the thing covering the hands obv lol, put on some earrings, and wear a set of eyes that aren't so dark.

For example:
Teal and Peach Sassy Eye Duo/or others of this line that go with the colors

Rainyday Deep Blue Eye Hydration

Sassy Silver Smudge Crayon/same as above, other colors that would go nicely with this HA

The Genetech Digital Cornaa is a nice light option as well, but it has a lot of reddish purple around it. Maybe layering some eyeshadow(s) over it and putting on lashes (Individual Lashes With Glue) would look okay. I'd try them on myself just to see, but I have to go right now D;

I lol @ myself bc in the last HA i critiqued I suggested layering a couple of those Lace Panties things for a bottom. But they can work for HA's like this! xD
I'll take a look for other bottoms later today.

Overall, pretty good :)

March 10, 2016 at 7:29 pm

thank you! c: for the compliment and also for taking the time to write out an actual crit!
i actually went with the black for the contrast it provided, it looked really boring without it to me (for lack of a better word) but i'll look through again, there's probably a better way to get past that without it being quite so dark. as for earrings, i like the idea but i can't find some that don't look really busy with the headpiece? but you're right, i'd like to have some on there cause ears = weirdish. the "bottoms" are part of the leg layering that i just couldn't find something that didn't look weird to use as a coverup (though tbh i didn't really try that hard there cause at that point i'd decided to just go with the black) - will look through those again when i get a chance! if i change it a bunch then there may be another version of this up sometime, i'd love to hear what you think if you ever run across it. thanks again! ^_^