December 7, 2014 at 3:05 pm

i rarely critique someone else's HA, but this time i'm going to because i really like this HA a lot! I love the colors and the idea and the overall flow is really nice! There are just some little details i would change (this is my personal taste so i hope i'm not being rude as it's not my intention at all!!):
- i would use the color of the horns elsewhere on the HA...maybe in the bottom part...for example on the shoes (as i'm a symmetry maniac)
- the anklets look fluffy and i don't think they fit in the rest of the ha so i would change them or simply take it off
- finally i would take off the freckles, change the lipstick to a more rosy one (the one you have on is a bit orange) and probably pick a darker skin tone (just one tone up)

I hope this can be a useful spark :)