June 19, 2014 at 5:36 pm

Most of my avatars end up in a completely different place other than where my initial idea started. I think it's the way of the wardrobe, honestly. The items will tell you how they want to be used. LOL!

The thing that stands out the most, to me, is the area of the feet. It looks so overbusy in comparison with the simpleness of the rest of the avatar. I'd say that a dainty pair of gray shoes to match the gray top would have been all that you needed. Also, I think a bracelet would definitely have been in order.

Although, after as long of a hiatus as you've been on, I'd say you are adapting to today's Subeta style rather quickly. Keep it up! :wink:

June 20, 2014 at 12:43 am

Thank you very much! I always seem to struggle with the feet and finding proper shoes. I'll have to work on refining that area and skill set a bit more!