May 3, 2014 at 5:08 pm

Ooh, I really like this, great use of the goat head in my opinion! The head, face, arms and neck look awesome.

There are just two tiny things that stood out to me - first, there are so many different shades of brown going on in this avatar, maybe just going with one or two instead of five could improve it c:
And the second - the earrings and the ring don't seem to go very well with the style, even though they do match colour-wise. Maybe a different accessory would work better?

May 15, 2014 at 2:55 pm

Thank you so much :) i'm sorry for the late answer but i'm connected on the ipad most of the time and it is incredibly annoying writing on that thing with that hideous auto correct!!

I think you're right on both points...looking at this from my computer i can see all the different shades of brown...i'll try to work on a better matching version soon ;)