June 21, 2010 at 3:39 am

amazing. the waist clutterfuck is making me smile. -nerd face- i love it!
January 15, 2010 at 8:16 am

i have a confession to make. when I first got srsbsns about becoming an avatar maker, I was always perplexed as to why you seemed to get so much attention and praise for your avatars. I remember the first time I saw you on the forums you were wearing 'Flashback to Freshness' and I definitely thought you weren't bad, but not spectacular
THEN I remember you created 'Harvest Bones' and everyone was all up over you on WHADYL and I was still all HAY WUT because I mean I LIKED IT but the attention it got just seemed so massive.
THEN you created 'Fairytale' and this one seemed to cause mass hysteria throughout Subeta and here on Style File.
I have to admit I was always puzzled.

But I think as I've grown as an avatar maker and opened my eyes to more aesthetics, I've realised just how absolutely fucking gorgeous your work is. Tbh I think the reason I never thought that much of your style initially was because you and I have phenomenally different styles....I'm always going for that mean stylish hip hop bit$ch and you're always creating beautiful...women.
Your style is so delicate, beautiful and radiant and it's so gorgeous it's almost painful. You know how to create intricacy without going over the top and keeping it APPROPRIATE. Your intricate details are usual used to mimic another part of your ha to accentuate it, and you always do it in a manner which is delicate and beautiful.
We have the CHIC awards atm, and Bella made me come to epiphany that you have an extremely feminine style. It...radiates beauty. LIKE I THINK I'VE SAID THAT ALREADY BUT IT'S SO LDIFBHIHGP09HGOEIFHIOHASSJFBOI
You're sooo amazing at avatar making, and I think the fact that i'm a male with a totally different aesthetic vision is prolly the reason it took me so long so realise just how gorgeous your avatars are.
You're one of my FAVOURITE avatar makers now and I fully appreciate all those aforementioned avatars in astronimical proportions.
..if I likened your avatar making style to a dance form, it would definitely be ballet.

and of course

March 17, 2011 at 1:34 pm

did I...actually never reply to this?
Hopefully I at least mentioned something on subeta itself...

idk if you even still log in here, dylan, but if you do, then:

this comment will never stop being wonderful. It makes me feel glowy and loved when I am feeling sad. Remembering that it's here, and rereading it, is this perpetual joy. Thank you so, so much.

June 4, 2012 at 11:13 pm

aw Degen, I don't know if YOU ever log in. But I'm glad I could do that for you and I miss you. <3

December 10, 2009 at 2:33 pm

I adore the colors and the use of the rainyday sun items! So beautiful!