November 27, 2009 at 4:28 pm

i love the colors you've used bb! and mmmm the sleeve layering is delish. GOOD JOB (:
November 18, 2009 at 1:54 am

I SAW THIS WHEN I WAS ON YOUR PROFILE (stalking you) AND LOVED IT! So adorable and fantastic colors.
November 18, 2009 at 12:20 am

i love your cool ass eye for detail it's so much fun to behold ~~~~~~~~
the belt under the corset and then w/e is going on at the sleeves up tharr and the leggings
it's not complex or anything like that ot's all nice and simple and VISIBLE and it's just a PLEASURE TO LOOK AT idk how to explain /failness
and that HEADPIECE
it works so awesome here and looks so hot with that hair + those lips
oh oho ho
and the way the sleeves work with those legwarmer thingies how they both make the arms/legs fatter lookin and it just looks NOICE AND SEXY
yeahh mmmmmm
<33333333333 this