June 16, 2010 at 2:06 pm

I actually quite like this! Im wondering if there wasnt a way to layer the shoes or use different ones that might look better. Also, did you consider using a bracelet or anything on the hands? And im not too sure about using the flower and the feather. They dont really layer over each other and it sorta seems like it should be one or the other. And maybe a necklace? Nothing heavy. Just a dainty little gold thing or...choker or whatever.

June 16, 2010 at 4:22 pm

Thanks for the crit. I did consider bracelets and stuff but I sometimes go too overboard with items and end up ruining an avatar, so I left the arms bare. I also had the same thought about the flower and the feather, but I took a risk. I'll probably make a v2 of this avatar and I will take your concrit into consideration :)