June 4, 2010 at 5:40 pm

hi, i haven't seen you in a while and i guess i shouldn't be on but i saw you on my style watch and i looked at your avatars and you deleted all of them
it makes me feel two ways.
1, you're awesome because i am guessing you deleted all the avatars you didn't like and saved your favs wich is grate.
2, im going to miss all the others bust i don't care because i think you're the most amazing sexy thing out there and you're one of my favourite people.
i miss leaving long comments on avs and since i won't talk to you in a while i will leave a really long one.

there's many things about this av that pleases me in just it's self i cannot formulate an expression using tangible words from any language that would even begin to express jsut how much i think this embodies you.
first the quirky wing thing you have going on there is like *!!@#$#%^$dylan*!@#!~!@$# okay its really you
and then the way the arm things mimic the waist thing and then the legs are like a zoom up of the magnificence in the top.
the chest layering is great because you sneaked the skin colored like cloth wrap under the blue and white.
then i noticed on the eyes that they have the same colors and the kimono and the wrap, but i see that clever thing you did. looks like one of the eyeshadows that doesn't layer perfect with the eye so the skin shows. but this dark color you chose is like the wrap so i see that. !!!!
and then the hair is my favourite part even though i hate the moppet and i think it's over used like the wilob. i think it's my favourite because you made it look a little different that most who just throw a clip on it.
the roses and the cutesy bun and the earring complete that, and the face is just nice.
i think this is great and i love your HAs/

i need to do a power point now, but i love you foreverandever. <3

June 5, 2010 at 5:16 am

that is exactly why i deleted them!
and i love you so much, thank you <3 this has to be one of the greatest comments ever rioejhgehpg9j9 i miss you alot and i appreciate it lotssss. :(:( <3