November 12, 2009 at 9:24 pm

When pets look like their owners! This is really cute! You did a nice job matching the colors on the cat, you even got that bluish gray in the shading. The only critique I can think of is the hair style wise seems a little contradicting with the rest of the avatar. You used the salon really well though! Did you use the shading in the cat as your hair shading?

November 13, 2009 at 3:19 pm

Aw flash is my fav hair style! I know what you're saying though, with the gloves she looks kinda old ladyish and the hair is kinda like 'huh?'. But I wanted to use a hairstyle that I personally liked, and I don't personally like many defaulters. And yes, I used the cats fur for the hair. c: I'm glad you could tell! Thanks so much for the comment. <3

November 13, 2009 at 5:14 pm

You're welcome! Haha she doesn't look old lady-ish just elegant and flash hair is kinda punky. It's just my interpretation of the hair though and it doesn't take anything away from the avatar! It was more of an afterthought kind of crit than something that really stood out immediately. It's one of my fav hairstyles too, needs moar love imo. c: