Are You Like Me?

Are You Like Me?

Postby CelticRain » Thu Aug 23, 2012 9:37 pm

Does anyone else go to click on an avatar they want to get a better look at thinking that somehow magically it will enlarge the image by doing so?

I sometimes just want a closer look, like I could zoom in or something. I'm so deep in concentration half the time that I just click it, and I'm like, oh, yeah, right... it doesn't work that way! :no: I don't know how many times I've done that now. :P

But it does, however, help to 'move away' all of the other distracting clutter/images (HAs) around it. And allows a 'clearer' look I guess you can say, when you click to take it to it's page.

I wish we could zoom in on Avatars! Don't you? :pleased:
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Re: Are You Like Me?

Postby Witchy » Sun Sep 16, 2012 6:12 am

YES! lol. sometimes I want to get 'closer' to look how some one layered a particular section of their avi. It would be nice if we could "zoom in" to look at that section. /heh. like you can do, when you're shopping on line/

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Re: Are You Like Me?

Postby CelticRain » Thu Sep 27, 2012 8:31 pm

Sorry hun. I didn't know you had responded to this!

And, yes exactly! That is probably where I get the idea from. From when you are looking at clothing online and you can zoom right in for a close up on the fabric and such.

Most CW's I have see, from the artists pics, are made in a much larger size than they actually are. So, I bet there would be a way to do it... with a LOT of work mind you! Ahh, would be so useful! I don't see it happening anytime soon though. :T

*waves back at Witchy* ! C:
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Re: Are You Like Me?

Postby Maja » Wed Nov 07, 2012 9:40 am

I do this as well, while browsing Style File. Though I think it has to do with the fact that when an avatar I like is surrounded by all the others on the Fresh page, they distract from it. Going to the avatar's own page gives me a chance to properly look at it c:
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Re: Are You Like Me?

Postby CelticRain » Wed Dec 12, 2012 10:04 pm

GUYS!! I found a way to zoom into the HAs. And it doesn't even look all pix-ally and such. At least not on Mozilla anyway. You just press the 'Ctrl' and use the plus (+) sign to zoom in. It makes it so much bigger and still looks quite clear. Am I the only one who didn't already know this? :huh:

I was showing a friend some of the HAs and he asked if you can zoom into them, I said NO! I want to soo bad! :P And he was like, "here, just go like this"... *'ctrl, +++'*, and I was like, *Whoah! *

Anyway, just a little info for those who might want to try it. ;) And also, it works backwards with the minus button too. Or, there's a little magnifying glass that shows up at the end of your address bar after zooming in or out when you click on it it says 'set to default' and it goes back. Yay! C:
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Re: Are You Like Me?

Postby Witchy » Thu Feb 05, 2015 4:05 am

:A OMG! REALLY? hahahaa, I am SO going to try this!

and i've really got to start listing the items that i'm using (i used to do that) grin. because now i go back and look at avi's that i've done, and think...'what in the "H>>L" did I use for that look?!


and i love this. i forgot i had even answer/talked to you here. lol i'll be back in about 6/7 months, to see if you've commented back to me. HAHAHAHAAAA
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Re: Are You Like Me?

Postby CelticRain » Wed May 20, 2015 12:13 pm

Ahhh! I is replying! And it only took 3 months this time! Go us! :D
And, oh my gosh, this original post was in 2012! >.< And Witchy you came back and responded in 2015!! Haha.. way to keep the thread alive! x)

So, have you tried it since then? It is so cool eh (the zooming in)!?

And, yes, I used to list the items for an avatar but then I got lazy. :P Every once in awhile I will take the time to copy and paste everything in the 'tags' bar. Because in my mind I'm like, Oh yeah, I'll get more adores this way when someone searches for a particular item that I have on on that HA'. Don't lie... you do it too! *to anyone reading this!* :yes: That's actually what I do sometimes. It is fun to search random words (because, face it, there are a lot of weirdos on here that use them!) and just see what comes up.

I LOVE this website so much. I don't think I would enjoy making my avies nearly as much if I didn't have somewhere to upload them and to talk about the glorious art of HA making! <3

Ok, let's see how long it takes you to respond to this this time!! *LOL*

And anyone else wanting to respond, please do! This is FUN. ^-^
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Re: Are You Like Me?

Postby FrankNos » Sun Dec 17, 2017 6:42 am

Where can we see your avatars, CelticRain? Are you still making them?
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Re: Are You Like Me?

Postby Adrianna » Fri Dec 29, 2017 9:41 am

Yup! I did that all the time until I started zooming in to see the avatar better lol

I Love looking up close at my avatar, especially the face because I like to see the makeup.

woo I replied and its 2017 about to be 2018 soon :D
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