by Sin » Tue Dec 08, 2009 6:31 am
That has been mentioned before, but I still agree with the people saying that taking back adores would be unfair to the users who were adored. It would be a feature more likely to be abused than it would to be beneficial to people.
Also, it helps maintain respect for older and eventually outdated styles, which is something I like about permanent adores. HA making style changes enough over time that it's interesting to be able to look back and watch the changes in peoples preference. I was actually having this discussion with a few people the other night, so I know there are people who disagree, but I think there's still something worth respecting in "outdated" HAs that were once wildly popular and the height of Subetan fashion, even if the style isn't entirely relevant to current trends anymore.
TL;DR - Unlike art favoriting on DA, HA adoring is generally very trend-based. Good art doesn't go out of style like formerly good fashion does.
"Even after I'm dead, I will swim through the soil like a mermaid of the Earth, just to be next to your bones."
(Archipelago Of Kisses, Jeffrey McDaniel)