How are you tagging/categorizing?

Re: How are you tagging/categorizing?

Postby Justin » Thu Nov 05, 2009 9:38 pm

Daaaang girl. I usually get bored of tagging after like 6 tags, if I even make it that far. I usually don't really tag things like that because it never occurred to me how many people actually do search up avatars like that. :x
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Re: How are you tagging/categorizing?

Postby Luxe » Fri Nov 06, 2009 9:07 am

I think the system I've developed so far is tagging by:
  • Colors
  • Textures, e.g., lace, ruffles, fishnet, pearls/beads, etc.
  • Subeautique set - I usually just include the set name, not the individual pieces. I figure all the sets in a piece match, so it's not necessary to list them each out.
  • Mysterious Costume Trunk - I'll list the entire trunk name as well as the name of the gender's set, if there is one. So, for example, if I were wearing the Calavera Bride Dusty Rose Headband, I'd tag the avatar with Strange Skull Candle and Calavera Bride.
  • Hair - Wig or Salon. If it's a wig, I'll list the wig specifically (these are the only items I've tagged by name). If it's a salon style, I'll name the style.

Put like that, it's not such a bit deal, but the trouble is that I'm realizing I wear a lot of costume trunk stuff. If I wear the Donna Fake Eyelashes and Fairy Lip Gloss and my Feisty Heroine Tousled Tresses... that's eight new tags.
Kickin' it at the top because I'm too legit to quit, sang!
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Re: How are you tagging/categorizing?

Postby Elcarim » Fri Nov 06, 2009 5:33 pm

I only tag in groups of 4.
must be a OCD thing

must stick to even numbers.. :A
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Re: How are you tagging/categorizing?

Postby platypii » Sat Nov 07, 2009 2:30 am

lol I tag according to my mood at the time about the avatar. And I never do more than two. Just because it's bothersome xD

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Re: How are you tagging/categorizing?

Postby Mandark » Sat Nov 07, 2009 2:02 pm

That's actually a pretty good idea to tag like so. I tag via my name, colors, and anything distinctive about the look.
For example if I was aiming for a teacher or student look I will tag them as so.
I think that if we all start tagging with the names of the items ('clothing lines') people can easily look up HAs posted using whatever particular line they want to view.
I like it.
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Re: How are you tagging/categorizing?

Postby beyonce » Sat Nov 07, 2009 8:12 pm

I've just been tagging by overall theme and mood.
Maybe the inspiration source in some cases.
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Re: How are you tagging/categorizing?

Postby Ian » Sat Nov 07, 2009 9:19 pm

I'm kind of all over the place when it comes to tagging. :A I'll tag colors in one. Specific items in another. Occasionally do mood or theme. I know in the last one I uploaded I did some 'random' tags but I really need to focus my tags more. I probably eventually take some of these tagging ideas and apply them. :x
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Re: How are you tagging/categorizing?

Postby nouveau » Tue Nov 10, 2009 3:01 am

I'm lazy as hell and usually tag like 3 things, but I definitely reckon people who want critique for their avatars should tag it 'critique'! To it easier to find. :D
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Re: How are you tagging/categorizing?

Postby Julie » Thu Nov 19, 2009 8:21 pm

I did not understand the tagging process. It might be something that I will do, lucky for me I only have 4 avatars uploaded. I just wasn't keeping too many of them. Something to do in my spare time at work, lol. :D
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Re: How are you tagging/categorizing?

Postby old_Ophelia » Fri Nov 20, 2009 11:30 am

I'm trying to imitate Sin in my tags (tagging as many items as possible, though frequently I'll leave off some of the more generic ones), but I also will tag colors and sometimes terms that describe style (such as romantic, bad-ass, simple, etc.).

I would really super-love to suggest tags for other users' HAs, though. It might make the search feature more useful if all SF avatars were tagged with items.
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