Last Made Comment Username Not Clickable

Last Made Comment Username Not Clickable

Postby Perry » Thu Apr 19, 2012 6:26 pm

So, this isn't a huge issue, but it's a bit annoying;

On any avatar page, I have never been able to click the username link of the last made comment, but then if someone else comments more recently, I can click that same comment's username link.

For example;
I cannot click on Bean's username, where it should be linked. I can click on everyone else's following. I remember not being able to originally click on MidnightShadow's username when I first viewed this upload before Bean had commented. Now, I can click MidnightShadows, since someone made another comment after her.

Anyways, if this could be looked into at some point - I asked a couple others if this was the case for them, and indeed it was, so I'm pretty confident it isn't an issue with just myself.

Thank you! <3
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Re: Last Made Comment Username Not Clickable

Postby harbor » Fri Mar 08, 2013 6:42 am

Actually, I can't click on any comment usernames. >_____<;
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Re: Last Made Comment Username Not Clickable

Postby Karissa » Sun Mar 10, 2013 9:48 am

Actually, it was made now to where you can click on usernames. Though I did see that it doesn't work for the top commenter, so if you have 3 comments the first one (at the top) isn't click-able but the rest are. At least for me if that helps.
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