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Update the Rules?

PostPosted: Fri Jul 02, 2010 1:33 pm
by Tribunal
I read over the rules before I accepted them (of course), and apparently they are somewhat out of date and/or not entirely clear.

The way I read them:

Unlimited Account: Unlimited

Basic Account: 25 adores/uploads per month

After joining, I figured out that apparently a basic account must 'grow' up to 25 per month? You get 5 added to your total per month or something of the like?

There's also no mention of the 5 per day limit in the rules (which does make sense, but clashes with the word 'unlimited').

So maybe update the rules a bit, or possibly have an "FAQ" topic somewhere in the forums that's linked to on the front page outlining all the various restrictions and limits. I looked around the forums for it a bit and everything I could find just pointed back to the rules.

Thanks :)

Re: Update the Rules?

PostPosted: Fri Jul 02, 2010 5:43 pm
by jila
the rules for the basic account are the old rules, if i recall correctly. it used to be that you got more uploads, but were only limited to a certain number of adores.

but yeah, the rules definitely need to be updated.

Re: Update the Rules?

PostPosted: Wed Jul 14, 2010 4:16 pm
by Luscious
There's also no mention of the 5 per day limit in the rules (which does make sense, but clashes with the word 'unlimited').

Basic never said unlimited in it until I just had the rules updated right now to include "unlimited adores", perhaps you misread the "limited" part?

Regardless, the rules have been updated. Thanks for pointing it out to me!

Re: Update the Rules?

PostPosted: Fri Jul 23, 2010 7:40 am
by Tribunal
Luscious wrote:
There's also no mention of the 5 per day limit in the rules (which does make sense, but clashes with the word 'unlimited').

Basic never said unlimited in it until I just had the rules updated right now to include "unlimited adores", perhaps you misread the "limited" part?

Regardless, the rules have been updated. Thanks for pointing it out to me!

NP :)

I ran into the 5 per day limit after I had upgraded my account, but I think it was just a "hadn't quite kicked in yet" kind of thing.