

Postby Thomas » Sat Dec 26, 2009 10:47 am

This is a very minor thing, I know, but I was wondering whether the tags box, under 'mine', could be made any bigger at all? I was just going through, updating older uploads with new tags, and it was quite the pain, scrolling through and checking whether I'd already applied certain tags to HAs, especially as some of the long names of costume trunk items take up the width of the box easily. I think this could make tagging more accessible, as currently I don't think they're being utilised to their full potential.

Also, alongside the 'no GA', 'CHIC' and 'CHIC application' tags, it might be useful to have some of your own commonly used tags appearing? I know these are minor things, so if they're too difficult to implement or anything, it's no big deal - I was just curious as to some feedback, really. :)

Also, as an aside, as I'm not sure on how it currently works, having been allowed to beta test, but are all new users who do not have an account restricted to 5 uploads for their first month? Could there maybe be a week or so grace period, such that new members can upload all of their older HAs to the site? If something like this is already in action, then my apologies.
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Re: Tags

Postby kurloz » Tue Feb 09, 2010 10:30 am

I agree that the tag box is rather small, making at least a bit taller would be nice.
Being able to set your own 'favorite' tags would be awesome too, sometimes I forget to tag my HAs with things I usually tag with, just because I use a lot of tags.

Also, as an aside, as I'm not sure on how it currently works, having been allowed to beta test, but are all new users who do not have an account restricted to 5 uploads for their first month? Could there maybe be a week or so grace period, such that new members can upload all of their older HAs to the site?

I would like to say something related to this.

I'm an invited member and had a three month period of unlimited (well, besides the 5 a day HA limit) account. My unlimited period just ran out, and I'm unable to upload HAs anymore. My current total limit is 25, while I have 88 HAs uploaded. I tried deleting a HA so I could upload a new one, but I'm still unable to. This probably means that I would have to keep deleting HAs until I only had 24 left until I could finally upload a HA again. I feel that there should be a solution for this. I was, so to speak, around in the early days of SF and I think that the HAs I uploaded during my unlimited period shouldn't count towards my total limit now. I would be happy to accept that I would be able to upload 5 HAs this month and then 5 every other month, but right now, I'd have to wait numerous months or delete the majority of my HAs off my style file to be able to upload again.
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Re: Tags

Postby nouveau » Wed Feb 10, 2010 2:45 am

Not sure if you guys have seen this yet, but as Erika said, Grace is going through the list by hand and recalculating new limits, so please be patient for a few days until this is worked out! :pleased:
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