Everyone should have unlimited adores

Everyone should have unlimited adores

Postby Jessyta » Thu Nov 12, 2009 1:42 pm

Let me start out by saying I totally understand that this site costs money to run, and it makes perfect sense to limit how many avatars people can upload.

What does not make sense is allowing some people to adore as many avatars as they want, while other people are limited to 25 per month. That isn't even 1 a day.

When people that are limited in uploads and adores to give run out, what is left for them to do?

I think giving all users the ability to adore as many avatars they want, OR giving all users the same limits regardless of what cult they are in, would be a much fairer way of running Style FIle.
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Re: Everyone should have unlimited adores

Postby sunstonefire » Thu Nov 12, 2009 1:45 pm

I have to agree with this. I love the idea of the site for the most part. I have no problems with the limited uploading capabilities. Unlimited adores would be nice IMO.
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Re: Everyone should have unlimited adores

Postby Roxy » Thu Nov 12, 2009 1:46 pm

I agree with Jessyta. I would rather see a lower limit on uploading avatars than the ability to adore an avatar. With so many to look through it is impossible to choose just one (or none) a day to adore. I can see the site getting very boring within a few days this way.
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Re: Everyone should have unlimited adores

Postby platypii » Thu Nov 12, 2009 1:48 pm

I agree with this completely. I've adored over 100 avatars in my... week or so? at this, and I don't know how I'd be able to handle only 25 when the invite expires lol

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Re: Everyone should have unlimited adores

Postby Roxy » Thu Nov 12, 2009 1:54 pm

It's not so much the amount that is bad, if all the avatars were uploaded on the first of the month and you had a limited number that you could adore, that would be something. However, since the site is ever growing, it would be impossible to just "save up" till later.
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Re: Everyone should have unlimited adores

Postby Luscious » Thu Nov 12, 2009 2:52 pm

Thank you for putting your suggestion here. This is currently being discussed by myself and my admins and we'll probably be revamping quite a few things. We just started out so there is bound to be a few kinks.

Until then, I'd love to hear more ideas on this or other suggestions.
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Re: Everyone should have unlimited adores

Postby Jessyta » Thu Nov 12, 2009 3:41 pm

Great to hear Erika. hear... read, you know what I mean. :)

The only other ideas I have for Style File would be drastic changes. I think I will wait a bit and see what things get modified before I make a thread about them, but I do appreciate that you are willing to consider them. :)
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Re: Everyone should have unlimited adores

Postby Sin » Thu Nov 12, 2009 8:27 pm

I definitely agree with this and brought it up in the main forums when the idea of limiting adores was first mentioned. I think comments and adores being unlimited would help encourage interactivity and the more interactivity you can encourage, the more people will want the privilege of uploading.

That said, I think the current number of uploads allotted to basic accounts is far too high. Since SF just opened, people have lots of older HAs to upload, but that aside, it equals almost one upload per day. Who makes more than one HA every day? I wouldn't be inclined to upgrade if I had a basic account, because I definitely don't make anywhere near 25 avatars per month. Maybe... 15 or so per month, at the absolute most? But usually less than 10, sometimes even 5.

Anyways, I got sidetracked.

Yes to unlimited adores. Let people share the love.
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Re: Everyone should have unlimited adores

Postby Roxy » Thu Nov 12, 2009 10:03 pm

I agree with Sin. Lowering the upload limit may also help insure that the quality of avatar going up be tiptop.
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Re: Everyone should have unlimited adores

Postby ROBOT » Thu Nov 12, 2009 10:55 pm

I totally agree that adores should be unlimited. I love going to SF and seeing that I have new adores. If they become limited, that's a lot less love for everyone. The uploads could totally be lowered to like 10-15 max a month and be more than enough for most people. I probably only make maybe 5 new HAs in a month, if I'm lucky.
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